Ross Concrete

Your Source for Concrete Services on the Sunshine Coast

Ross Concrete Services serves the Sunshine Coast from Langdale to Pender Harbour.

Ross Concrete Services began as a small form rental business in 1996 and has grown to a well established business that provides a variety of concrete service options to suit our clients needs.

Eoin Ross, the owner and manager, ensures his long-time employees have excellent people skills as well as a high knowledge of the industry. His pump operators are often asked for by name and have over 40 years combined work experience in the concrete industry.

Ross Concrete provides concrete services to customers from Langdale to Pender Harbour on the Sunshine Coast including Gibsons, Roberts Creek, Sechelt and Halfmoon Bay and the many islands in between.

Eoin and his family live and shop in the same small communities as his customers. He is very involved in kids hockey and lacrosse, volunteering as a coach for several years. His family helps support many different causes on the Sunshine Coast through both hands-on volunteering and giving back to the community financially.


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